Reiki Healing

1-On-1 Reiki Healing Sessions in Rishikesh

Channel your unseen life force energy to bring peace to your mind and body. Master the art of balancing your emotional, physical, and mental energy with an experienced Reiki teacher.

“Energy is your greatest currency. Invest it wisely.”

Reiki, derived from the Japanese words "rei" (universal) and "ki" (life energy), is an ancient healing technique that channels universal energy to promote balance and well-being.

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What is Reiki About?

Reiki is not just a method for physical healing; it also brings about emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. Rooted in Japanese origin, this practice has gained global recognition for its effectiveness in promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

The Science Behind Reiki

While Reiki might seem mystical, several studies have delved into its effects. Some research suggests that Reiki can help reduce pain, anxiety, and fatigue. Others indicate a potential for lowered blood pressure and improved sleep.

It's essential to approach Reiki with an open mind, understanding that its benefits can vary from person to person.

Benefits of Practising Reiki

The practice can help you tap into your inner, hidden potential in every area of your life.

Stress Management

One of the primary benefits of Reiki is relaxation. By reducing stress, Reiki can trigger the body's natural healing abilities, improving and maintaining health.

Enhanced Immunity

By promoting overall balance, Reiki can help boost the immune system, preparing the body to tackle various ailments more effectively

Pain Management

Many individuals report a significant reduction in pain after Reiki sessions. Whether it's chronic pain or acute discomfort, Reiki has the potential to help manage it.

Increased Energy

Many individuals feel a surge of renewed energy post a Reiki session, helping them tackle daily tasks with more vigor.

Emotional Balance

Reiki can help in releasing trapped emotions, leading to a sense of emotional clarity and balance.

Improved Sleep

Those who undergo Reiki sessions often report improved sleep patterns, feeling more rested and rejuvenated.

How Does Reiki Work?

How Does Reiki Work? | 01 Explanation of Energy Flow

01 | Explanation of Energy Flow

At its core, Reiki operates on the belief that an unseen life force energy flows through us. When this energy is low, we are more likely to feel stressed or fall ill. Conversely, when it's high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The practice of Reiki involves channeling this universal life force energy. It's akin to tuning a radio to the right frequency to receive a clear signal. In the case of Reiki, the practitioner tunes into the energy frequency needed by the recipient.

How Does Reiki Work? | 02 The Role of A Reiki Practitioner

02 | The Role of A Reiki Practitioner

A Reiki practitioner serves as a conduit or channel for this universal energy. They do not use their energy but rather draw upon the universal life force energy. Through hands-on or distance healing, they direct this energy to the recipient, helping to remove energy blockages and restore balance.

The practitioner is not the healer, but a facilitator that can help redirect energy where it is needed the most. It is  the body's innate wisdom then uses this energy to heal and balance itself.

How Does Reiki Work? | 03 Scientific Evidence Supporting Reiki

03 | Scientific Evidence Supporting Reiki

While Reiki has ancient roots, modern science has begun to study its effects. Some clinical studies suggest that Reiki can help reduce pain, anxiety, and fatigue.

Others have shown potential benefits in improving sleep and reducing blood pressure. Hospitals worldwide are now incorporating Reiki as a complementary therapy, recognizing its potential in enhancing patient care.

Meet The Teacher

Upendra Prasad | Reiki Practitioner

15 Years of Experience

“From the sacred banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh, my spiritual journey began. Born into a Brahmin family, my father, a Sanskrit scholar, was my first guru. He introduced me to yoga and our ancient scriptures, igniting a passion that would shape my life.

I ventured to the Bihar School of Yoga and later to the Sivananda Ashram, seeking deeper knowledge and discipline. Under the guidance of my Guru, Swami Vishwa Rupananda Saraswati, I immersed myself in the teachings of Vedanta and the practices of Hatha yoga, pranayama, and yoga Nidra.

But it was Reiki that truly resonated with my soul...”

Types of Therapy

Whether you're new to Reiki Healing or looking to deepen your experience, we offer a range of therapies tailored to your needs:es tailored to your needs:


Aura Restoration

Revitalize your spirit with our Aura Restoration, bringing harmony to your energetic field.


Chakra Healing

Balance your body's energy centers with Chakra Healing for holistic well-being.


Loving Touch

Experience deep healing through the Loving Touch therapy, nurturing both body and soul.


Golden Light

Illuminate your inner self with the radiant energy of our Golden Light therapy.

During the session, the practitioner will use various hand positions, either placing their hands lightly on your body or holding them a few inches above. These positions correspond to different energy centres or chakras in the body.

You might
feel warmth, tingling, or simply deep relaxation as the practitioner works. Remember, each person's experience is unique, so what you feel might differ from someone else.

During the session, the practitioner will use various hand positions, either placing their hands lightly on your body or holding them a few inches above. These positions correspond to different energy centres or chakras in the body.

You might
feel warmth, tingling, or simply deep relaxation as the practitioner works. Remember, each person's experience is unique, so what you feel might differ from someone else.

Session Overview

What to Expect?

Each Session in 60 minutes long, with 45-minutes of hands-on healing.


Each hourly session costs INR 2000 (or approx. USD 24)


Post-session, you might feel a range of emotions or sensations.


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